Tezos Core Plugin
Supported Networks
You can choose between Tezos mainnet and a number of available Tezos testnets.
Operation Status
Field | Type | Description |
hash | String! | Hash of operation |
type | String! | Type of transaction |
block | String! | Block hash at which the operation was included on-chain |
time | String! | Block time at which the operation was included on-chain |
height | String! | Block height at which the operation was included on-chain |
cycle | UInt32! | Cycle in which the operation was included on-chain |
counter | UInt32! | Unique sender account ‘nonce’ value |
status | String! | Operation status applied, failed, backtracked, skipped |
is_success | Boolean! | Flag indicating operation was successfully applied |
is_contract | Boolean! | Flag indicating smart-contract calls |
gas_limit | UInt32! | Caller-defined gas limit |
gas_used | UInt32! | Gas used by the operation |
gas_price | UInt32! | Effective price per gas unit in mutez |
storage_limit | UInt32! | Caller-defined storage limit |
storage_size | UInt32! | Actual storage size allocated |
storage_paid | UInt32! | Part of the storage the operation paid for |
volume | UInt32! | Amount of tokens transferred in tez |
fee | UInt32! | Fees paid in tez |
days_destroyed | UInt32! | Token days destroyed by this operation (tokens transferred * token idle time) |
sender | String! | Operation sender |
receiver | String! | Transaction receiver, may be empty |
confirmations | UInt32! | Number of blocks following the inclusion of this operation |
Estimate Transaction Result
Field | Type | Description |
error | Boolean! | Flag indicating error occurred |
reason | String | Reason for error |
estimate | Estimate | Estimate transaction |
Reveal Parameters
Field | Type | Description |
fee | UInt32 | Called-defined fee limit to be paid |
gasLimit | UInt32 | Caller-defined gas limit |
storageLimit | UInt32 | Caller-defined storage limit |
Last updated