JS Plugin

Tezos Harbinger Polywrapper JS Plugin

Client JS

Import Plugins

import { Web3ApiClient } from "@web3api/client-js"
import { tezosPlugin } from "@web3api/tezos-plugin-js"

Web3 API Client

Creates a new Web3ApiClient client from which queries and mutations will be called.

export const client = new Web3ApiClient({
   plugins: [
         uri: "w3://ens/tezos.web3api.eth",
         plugin: tezosPlugin({
           networks: {
               mainnet: {
                   provider: "https://rpc.tzstats.com"
               granadanet: {
                   provider: "https://rpc.granada.tzstats.com",
           defaultNetwork: "mainnet"

Query JS

Import Client

import { client } from './client'

Set Wrapper URI

Sets the URI which points to the Tezos Harbinger Polywrapper’s WASM files uploaded on IPFS.

const HARBINGER_URI = 'w3://ipfs/Qmd3Yja1oUjUyoxmT8P88jHpQJuy5oc6vyckoKx6F942B1'

Get Asset Data

Gets an asset's data by passing the network and asset code.

export const getAssetData = async (assetCode, network) => {
   return await client.query({
           uri: HARBINGER_URI,
           query: `
               query {
                       network: $network,
                       assetCode: $assetCode,
           variables: {

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