
Account Details

type AccountDetails {
  """ Public key hash of account """
  pkh: String!
  """ Balance of account """
  balance: String!

Block Description

type Block {
  """ Chain hash"""
  chainId: String!
  """ Block hash """
  hash: String!
  """ Protocol hash """
  protocol: String!

Transfer Transaction Confirmation

type TransferConfirmation {
  """ Flag indicating operation is completed """
  completed: Boolean!
  """ Total number of current confirmations """
  currentConfirmation: UInt32!
  """ Total expected confirmation """
  expectedConfirmation: UInt32!
  """ Block for confirmation"""
  block: Block!

Origination Response

type OriginationResponse {
  """ Flag indicating an error occurred """
  error: Boolean!
  """ Reason for the error """
  reason: String
  """ Origination operation response """
  origination: OriginationOperation

Transaction Operation

type TxOperation {
  """ Transaction hash """
  hash: String!
  """ Source of transaction """
  source: String
  """ Balance of transaction """
  amount: BigInt
  """ Gas consumed """
  consumedGas: BigInt
  """ Transaction destination """
  destination: String!
  """ Error transaction """
  errors: [OperationError!]
  """ Fee paid in tez """
  fee: UInt32!
  """ Called-Defined gas limit """
  gasLimit: UInt32!
  """ Block number transaction is included """
  includedInBlock: String!
  """ Status of transaction  """
  status: String!
  """ Difference of storage """
  storageDiff: String
  """ Called-Defined storage limit  """
  storageLimit: UInt32!
  """ Storage size """
  storageSize: BigInt

Signed Message Result

type SignResult {
  """ Input Bytes"""
  bytes: String!
  """ 'sig' prefixed signature """
  sig: String!
  """ 'edsig' prefixed signature """
  prefixSig: String!
  """ raw bytes of the signature """
  sbytes: String!

Origination Confirmation Response

type OriginationConfirmationResponse {
  """ Total confirmation """
  confirmation: UInt32!
  """ Origination operation """
  origination: OriginationOperation!

Call Contract Confirmation Response

type CallContractMethodConfirmationResponse {
  """ Confirmation """
  confirmation: UInt32!
  """ Transaction operation response """
  operation: TxOperation!

Batch Contract Calls

    """ Transfer Params """
    params: [TransferParams!]!
    """ Connection """
    connection: Connection
  ): String!

Batch Contract Calls

    """ Transfer Params """
    params: [TransferParams!]!
    """ Connection """
  ): String!

Connect Temple Wallet

    """ App name """
    appName: String!
    """ Network to connection """
    network: String!
    """ Connection """
    connection: Connection
  ): AccountDetails!

Wallet Contract Call Method

    """ Address of contract """
    address: String!
    """ Method to call """
    method: String!
    """ Arguments """
    args: String
    """ SendParams """
    params: SendParams
    """ Connection """
    connection: Connection
  ): String!

Wallet Originate

    """ Originate params """
    params: OriginateParams!
    """ Connection """
    connection: Connection
  ): String!

Call Contract Method

    """ Address of contract """
    address: String!
    """ Method to call """
    method: String!
    """ Arguments """
    args: String
    """ SendParams """
    params: SendParams
    """ Connection """
    connection: Connection
  ): TxOperation!

Call Contract and Wait for Confirmation

    """ Address of a contract """
    address: String!
    """ Method to contract """
    method: String!
    """ Arguments """
    args: String
    """ Connection """
    connection: Connection
    """ SendParams """
    params: SendParams
    """ Confirmations to wait for """
    confirmations: UInt32!
    """ Timeout to wait for confirmation """
    timeout: UInt32
  ): CallContractMethodConfirmationResponse!

Transfer Tez

    """ Connection """
    connection: Connection
    """ Sendparams """
    params: SendParams!
  ): String!

Transfer Tez and Wait for Confirmation

    """ Connection """
    connection: Connection
    """ SendParams """
    params: SendParams!
    """ Confirmations to wait for """
    confirmations: UInt32!
  ): TransferConfirmation!

Sign Message

    """ Connection """
    connection: Connection
    """ Message to sign """
    message: String!
  ): SignResult!

Originate Contract

    """ Connection """
    connection: Connection
    """ OriginateParams """
    params: OriginateParams!
  ): OriginationResponse!

Originate Contract and Wait for Confirmation

    """ Connection """
    connection: Connection
    """ OriginateParams """
    params: OriginateParams!
    """ Confirmations to wait for """
    confirmations: UInt32!
    """ Timeout to wait for confirmation """
    timeout: UInt32
  ): OriginationConfirmationResponse!

Last updated